Kate and I just switched mobile phone carriers. We had absolutely no problems with T-mobile and actually did not want to leave. In June I was in CA and we had an overage on our shared minutes. When we signed up we got 400 anytime minutes. It was always more than enough but now that I am having to make more phone calls back to the office while doing these projects with our new product line we have been getting closer to the limit.
Through work I have the opportunity to take advantage of employee discounts through Verizon Wireless. This would give us 300 more minutes per month for $10 more per month. In addition we are able to waive one activation fee and have a reduced one on the second line. Finally, we could get the swell new Razr phones. The biggest advantage though is that nearly everyone at work is also with Verizon so that would mean that we are all IN and therefore there would be no charges for calls I make to other guys at work.
So we did it. We got the Razrs. One thing that I was really looking forward to was that the phones are Bluetooth enabled and my new iMac is also. I figured that instead of punching in the contacts thru my phone I could get them through the Address Book on the Mac. The only issue is that all of my contact info was currently up to date only on gmail. So I had to export it out of gmail, fiddle with the data in a text editor, and then import it into Address Book. This worked fine except that some of the fields did not come into the right email, was home email and other such things.
After this I made sure that the Bluetooth was on the Mac was turned on. Then I turned on the Bluetooth on the phone. It was detected by the Mac, gave the pass key that the phone was looking for, and then proceeded to put all of the contacts on the Mac into the phone. Just like that. It just worked.
So I continue to be exceedingly happy with the Mac and so far the phone and Verizon are pretty good too.