15 April 2006
  Big Trouble
No little China.

Last Wednesday was the last day for this girl in our office. A going away party was organized on Tuesday and, since I had been on-site with her a couple of times, I thought that I would go. This would be my first going away party for someone - up to now everyone has either stayed or left because of downsizing. There are not a lot of parties for people who do not want to leave and do not have another job already lined up. Also, this was to be my first time at the bar with my manager and his infamous buddies. I was quite curious to see exactly what their nights out looked like.

On Wednesday I head over to the bar where the going away is taking place. I have order a beer and start enjoying the time. After I finish my 3rd beer I decide that I should call it an evening and head home. I tell the girl to bring me my bill and off I go. But I don't. I have paid but there I sit. And I sit. And I sit.

So after a hour and a half of sitting it is now 7:45 and I am still there but I am paid and can go whenever I like. Well, the others had continued to drink - they were not intending to go home like me - and so at that point I get another beer. What am I doing? I am going home. So I drink my beer and then get another. Now I am really confused. I was going to go home.

About this time the barkeep says that there is a call for me. I answer and it is Kate. Did I forget to mention that Kate has no idea where I am. She is crying and angry and tells me to come home now and then hangs up.

I am in big trouble.

(I will not go into the rest of then evening - as it is personal - but I did have to make this great mistake up to her and I have and everything is now OK again.)

I have learned my lesson. I am now a better trained husband.
09 April 2006
  One Week
I have a history of losing my jacket.

Last night was the 3rd annual Siciliano's Homebrew party. Even in Kat's delicate condition she decided to go, which is quite amazing considering that it is a party that celebrates beer (she cannot drink) and generally has a lot of smoking (both cigarettes and cigars - which we both hate). The nice thing is that once she gets out and starts doing something the sickness generally disappears.

Chip came, barely, and we met some other guys that we have brewed with before. I say that Chip barely came because this party is a sellout every year and in typical Chip fashion he only called Steve (the owner and operator of Siciliano's) Friday and asked if there was any chance that we could get a spot. Now, Steve has known Chip for years and is quite aware of Chip and how he is. I suspect that Steve holds 1 ticket for Chip every year knowing that he will do this.

This year was the 1st annual homebrew competition...which I failed to enter. My failure to enter turned out to be my biggest mistake. After sharing my Germen Wheat with Steve he concluded that mine could easily have been in the top 2 and quite possibly the winner. I confirmed this when I tasted the winner's beer. Too bad for me but you cannot win if you do not compete.

Well, the other guys that we sat with won the IPA catagory and then ended up winning the Best In Show. For the rest of the evening we hung out with the Siciliano's Cup and drank from it. Even not being the winner it was something to stand with the trophy and drink from it. Reflected greatness is better than no greatness at all.

Kate left early and then Chip and I stayed and partied on. There was even one interesting moment when two guys got in a shoving match and that was definetly a first for the homebrew party. Homebrewers are not generally the types to get upset. Hey, the slogan for homebrewers is, "Relax, have a homebrew." When the evening was over Chip drove me home with the door prizes we had accumulated and the remainderes of the beer we brought.

When I got home I realized that I had forgotten my jacket. This same thing happened the last time I was alone with Chip (see Catchup).


I have a history of losing my jacket.
Nothing short of ordinary

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