St. Valentine's Day
OK, technically this is not until Tuesday but Kate and I often like to avoid the actual holidays (be they real or Halmark) by celebrating near them but not on them. It hepls to avoid the busy times at restraunts and helps to get better deals on goods.
As I was wrapping the presents for today I was listening to the iPod and the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on. Made me so nastolgic for Wayne's World that I just had to pop it into the DVD player. Absolutlely classic.
But since that is what we are doing tonight I do not really have all that much to talk about in regards to the stated title of this posting.
As could be read on Roland St. Jude's blog avatars are the newest thing. I have requested Roland to procure me an avatar and have left it up to him to dictate what it would look like. As Susan stated, half the fun is finding out what Roland thinks of you and what he would commission.
On the foot side of things everything is going well. I manage to walk around the house without too much difficulty and I'm enjoying the return of mobility and the ability to carry things. Based on how it feels and it being only 10 days from the surgery I am hopeful that I will be fully recovered soon.
PS: does the spell checking on this thing work for anyone else?