Confirmed...I am Screwed
But I am soon to be un-screwed. ( that a word?)
Today at the doctor (surgeon) we took some more Röntgenbilds. She was quite happy with how everything looks and said that the bones look well healed.
Then she asked me to walk for her and I immediatly said that I could not. It hurts too much. So she looked at my foot and was pressing around. When she got to the area described in the previous post I did the "don't touch me there it hurts" flinch. She said that is not right. She admitted that the screw was long but did not think that it would bother me. She said that we could take it out if I wanted. Of course I do.
So she left the room. When she returned I was set up for screw remove tomorrow at a little past 1pm. I will be bandaged up until Sunday and then I should be able to start walking on it and wearing normal (if very loose) shoes.
Plus I get to keep the screw.