15 February 2006
Well, by the world's reaction it seems like everyone else is not as outraged over our changing the names of other countries and cities. C'est la vie.

So my brother-in-law, or should it just be brother, got me hooked on the Brewboard. This is a place, like OOTS, where like minded people can get together and post their comments on their shared love. And like any other board in the world there is a lot of non-related converstations and there are "fights". I found myself in one on my third day. I could not imagine that someone would have such a strong and unmovable opionion on the topic of "Whole vs. Pellet Hops". I figured there would be some opinions and the sharing of knowledge. Yes, that was true, but some posters were so adament about whole hops that anything else was unthinkable and therefor wrong.

For a hobby about beer some people really are....not beerlike.
I like watching online fights, as long as I don't have a dog in them. In fact, that's half of why I read Fark.
Wow, bitter fight for your third day on the board. I particularly like the extract vs. all grain tangent...

If the original poster had been willing to concede that pelletized hops can also make good beer - but that he prefers whole - I would have been fine. Instead he made a strong argument but didn't really back up his case with any hard facts other than anecdotal "evidence" about pelletized hops being subjected to pressures/temperatures which may not have any bearing on the taste they impart.
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