08 November 2005
  so this is blog?
See bandwagon...jump on.

That is the best description of what is going on here.

I have a number of friends who have begun blogging, they have their own reasons which are probably more valid than mine but not more than most, and figured that I could also do this. How hard could this be, write down so c**p about what is going on in my life or general observations. At the very least it keeps those that I know informed on what is going on. It also will be the authorities something to see when I snap and do something...better not write anymore on that.

What will be happening here. Well, we will not be saving the world, enlightening anyone, or helping to advance mankind. I'll post about work, play, hobbies and other such things that interest me and if it makes any sense someone might comment on it.
This blog is the roxxors! I can't wait to see if you snap! If you do, make sure to blog all about it and don't just type, "aaaaaagghhhh."
Henry Bierman?!?
Henry Bierman is a fine name....maybe it is not the one that was given to me by my parents but who is to say that it is not me.
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