11 November 2005
  How to win
Does anyone remember how the Americans defeated the Soviets? We would all like to think that it had to do with freedom, justice, Patriotism, and a firm belief that our way was the best way. That would be nice because then we can continue to believe that such things are the keys to America's success and continued success.

The fact of the matter is that a simple actor from California who happened to be President at the time used a simple American idea to defeat the Soviets. Spend money that you don't have. It was that simple. The cold war went on for 45 years and all it took was a simple idea like spending what you don't have. The Soviets simply couldn't keep up. We had more not money than they did. We decided to build many more bombs, so they had to also. We decided to build more subs that can launch more missels, so they had to also. The best was when we decided to build "lasers" in space. The Soviets, nearly out of not-money, gave up. They simply said, "We can't do that and we can't afford that." The next thing you know they coudn't afford the Berlin Wall anymore and it fell down.

The moral of the story is that you can defeat your enemies not with smarts, cunning, or ability. If you simply have the will to run as fast as you can in an expensive direction then your enemies will believe that you know what you are doing and try and follow you. When they give up because they do not have anymore money then you win.

Does this all seems a bit esoteric for a blog? It is just something that is rather close to home right now.
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