American President
Since yesterday was an election day I started thinking....
I heard reports today that voter turnout here in GR was are 13%. That is simply outstanding. Because local government has a much higher effect on your daily life then anything the doofus in the White House does people should care, but they don't. When Americans vote for president the turnout is high but people still vote stupidly. What are we to do as a society.
Enter American President.
10 Canidates, 10 weeks, and America votes by phone to eleminate a canidate every week. This combines American's love of TV, mindless voting, and caring about politics at the wrong level. There can be immunity challenges (think voter registration, singing, who looks best dressed up as Uncle Sam, "simple life" challenge, feats of strength, etc.) to help our canidates make it through. We can vote by phone "American Idol" style and then we can all blog about how horrible it was that someone was unfairly kicked off.
Just think...Americans still will not care about local elections but they will vote in an entertaining manner for President.